Walter P. Chrysler

Year of Birth: 1875

Year of Death: 1940

Area of Achievement: Business & Industry

GAMHOF Year Inducted: 2007

American automobile manufacturer, born in Wamego, Kans., and educated in the public schools of Ellis, Kans. He was a mechanic with various railroads until 1910, when he joined the American Locomotive Co. He was works manager of the Buick Motor Co.

(1912-16), president of the company (1916-19), and vice-president in charge of operations of the General Motors Corp. (1919-20) into which Buick was incorporated. He helped in the reorganization and operation of both the Willys-Overland and Maxwell Motor companies (1920-24).

The Chrysler Corp. was organized in 1925, with Chrysler as president; he served as chairman of the board from 1935 until his death.

In 1928 Chrysler also acquired Dodge Brothers, an important manufacturer of automobiles.

(Library of Congress Photo) 1937 Chrysler Airflow four-door sedan on display in the showroom of the Chrysler Building, New York City, N.Y.

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