Hon. Brian G. Andersson
Former Commissioner, NYC Dept. of Records
Dr. Uwe Brückner
Presse Club München
Dr. Ronald F. Docksai
Former Vice President of Federal Government Relations
Bayer Corporation
Hon. Louis Joseph Freeh
Former Director of the FBI
Washington, DC
Dr. Jeffrey Gaab, PhD
Professor History, The State University
New York College Farmingdale
Ingo Lang
Partner, The Estate of Aqualina, Miami, FL
CEO, Mozarter Corp., Florida & Europe
Fred H. Langhammer
Chairman, Global Affairs
The Estée Lauder Companies
Thomas Limberger
Chairman and CEO
SilverArrow Holding AG
Thomas Matussek
Former German Ambassador to the UK, the UN and India
Dr. Christoph-E. Palmer
Former Minister
Waltraud E. Prechter
President of World Heritage Foundation/Prechter Family Fund
Michigan, USA
Dr. Don Heinrich Tolzmann
Historian and Author
Cincinnati Ohio